Friday, March 26, 2010

The things we do for like

OK, I'm going to be a bit revealing here...bare with me. It's late and I went to a comedy show last night and I think that is inspiring me to see the humor in this situation. I have been training for a run that I am doing with Marie and some of my family on Sunday. I have trained for a run before, but for some reason I am having some challenges this time around that I didn't encounter last time. First of all, which I guess is normal, I am getting blisters on the bottom of my feet..which is kinda gross and pretty painful. OK, I know stop being a baby. So, speaking of babies, I have diaper rash. No, I don't wear diapers and as far as I can tell, I have diaper rash! I don't think you want me to go into a detailed description, so you're going to have to trust me on this one. I saved the best for last. I have itchy, sensitive nipples. Yes, that's right. I thought maybe I had a rare case of premature, male menopause. Then, Marie tells me that she saw nipple protectors in the runner's store. I have sensitive nipples, bubbles on my feet and diaper rash!....back off, ladies...I'm taken! And, when I think about it, I don't even love running. I like it, at best. And, I'm planning on running a marathon. why?....What I'm thinking is that the more we push ourselves out our comfort zone, beyond our "limits", the more our human spirit that was hidden way down deep screams "give me more...this is living!" So, I'm going to keep giving my spirit more because so far the returns have been amazing!...even if it means I have to get baby powder and nipple protectors!

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