Wednesday, March 24, 2010

leggo my ego

Making up sometimes seems to be a lot harder than it should be. Is it just me? I sometimes look back at an argument I had after things are resolved and I think to myself, why was that so difficult? Does anyone have an idea why something that should be so simple is sometimes so difficult? I will give you a clue...It starts with "E" and it ends with "GO". Our old foe, the ego. And, the more ''right" and "justified" I think I am, the stronger my ego gets. It's actually pretty crazy when I think about it. I mean, sometimes I say to myself "Just clear it, apologize, let it go, you don't need to argue your point" and just when that's starting to settle in and feel right, it's like my ego grabs me by the collar and says "Have you lost your %*@#ing mind, man?!'re going to what.....clear what?....apologize for what? don't have to argue your point?....are you nuts?" And then when I follow the ego's advice and end up miserable, he says...."you're on your own pal....this isn't my area of expertise". A friend once said to me that we have a choice to be right or be happy and our ego wants to be right. I choose to be happy.

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