Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Be where you are

I was reminded today of a dream I had once. I was traveling around the world and I suddenly found myself "lost". I began to panic, get upset...."I'm supposed to be someplace else" "how did I end up here?". Then, I realized that I was on a journey. It didn't really matter that I wasn't "where I was supposed to be". I decided to just be where I was. In that moment I heard a noise I didn't hear before ...a sort of crashing noise. I walked to follow the noise and came to a ledge. I looked out over the ledge and saw the most beautiful waterfall....I had seen pictures of it. I was overlooking Victoria Falls. We have all received a similar message many times before...and we get it...do we live it?...really? Do we want to be where we are "supposed to be" or where we are? That was the lesson I learned from this dream and it was a message I needed to receive. Then, yesterday Marie and I were talking about a possible trip to Africa and one of the places we would be visiting is Victoria Falls.....be where you are.

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