Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Always inspired

I just got home from another amazing Transitions class. Tonight the class just took on a life of it's own. We had a specific topic for the night and it turned out that there was a different plan. The people in the class shared about how important it is to them to reach their goals and how they feel better than they ever have and want to keep it up. They spoke about the realization that this is a process and that they are accomplishing things that they never have before. We are in the sixth week and one person completely stopped smoking and another has already lost 30 pounds and says he can play with his kids in a way that he couldn't before. They were speaking beyond their health and their weight. They were talking about shifting their jobs and doing more in their lives. These are things we have heard before coaching Transitions, but it really never stops inspiring me. It is amazing how we are there to coach them and I personally get so much from it, every week. I feel so blessed that I have the opportunity to provide people with the tools and accountability to forever alter their lives...and it's actually a business!....I am always inspired and forever grateful!

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