Wednesday, February 10, 2010

check in with the moment

Since January 1 of this year I have been implementing daily practices into each day. The idea is to do something every day that will have me grow in every area of my life. It is a 365 day commitment and beyond. So far, I have held up to my commitment. My intention was to get up at 6 or earlier every morning, so that I will still have the whole day ahead of me after my practices in the morning. Of course, what I didn't consider is that life happens and some nights I'm up later handling things and sleep is important too. Even on the days that I have gotten up later, I have still managed to do everything, every day since January 1st.

So, every day for 40 days now, I have....
meditated for 15 minutes twice daily
exercised (a few days just stretching)
read A course in Miracles and completed the daily exercises
read 10 pages of a self development book(OK, a few days I only read 5 every day, though)
read and wrote out my goals 2 times
listened to at least 1 hour of educational audios
journaled 2 times
wrote a blog
the time in between is dedicated to building my business

At this point, it is a habit...I am going to do it no matter what. So, great...and, one thing I am becoming aware of is not to get lost in it and miss the moments, the things and people around me. It is important, but nothing is more important than the moment. I am adding new daily practices that involve other people....
initiating conversation and connecting with 2 new people every day
spending focused time with Marie everyday (focused...not on the run or biz related)
calling 5 people every day (just to connect)

My number one objective for my daily practices is to improve myself so I am more effective with people and at peace with myself. I will not let that get in the way of actually connecting with people in the moment.

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