Sunday, February 28, 2010
Small Victories
Last night Marie and I went to see a good friend of ours play in a tennis tournament. He started playing tennis about a year ago and was super excited to be competing in a tournament and we were super excited for him. The match came down to the wire to decide whether his team would go on to play in the finals and, in the end, they won. After the match our friend was glowing and he had a little extra bounce in his step when he walked. I have to say, I was watching the end of this match with more excitement than I would a pro tennis tournament match. Why?.. because for my friend, it was. The experience had me realize that there are no small victories, they are all huge. Whether in the pros or not, every accomplishment, every victory, every time we reach a goal, we are growing. As our belief in ourselves goes up, just a little more joy is deposited into our souls. The lesson I took from this was to be light about everything, but take nothing lightly. This was further motivation to continue taking on challenges and racking up the "small" victories.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
putting it into action
Today I went to an amazing seminar. I got a lot of great information on how to grow my business and reach more people. I learned form a trainer who is having the kind of success that I am building towards. Myself and the people I was there with walked out of there pumped up, excited and motivated. The thing I need to keep in mind is that everything I learned today, like anything else will dissipate very quickly unless I put it to action. Knowledge will only take me so far. I know what I need to do. I know the impact it will have on my life and the lives of so many others. I have belief in my myself, and my commitment is to step it up and make it
Friday, February 26, 2010
Behind the newsflash
Yesterday I heard a news flash that a tree had fallen in Central Park from the weight of the snow and struck and killed a man. they said that the man was unidentified and all they knew was that he was in his 50's. My mind started spinning a bit, as it sometimes does. Who was this man, who did he love, who loved him, did he have family?. I started thinking that behind this breaking news was a family, friends who's lives were just changed forever, in an instant and man whose journey here on earth had ended. then, last night we were watching the Olympics and they said that the skater from Canada's mom had suddenly died on Sunday and she was skating on Tuesday. the woman ended up winning the bronze medal. I feel that every bit of information that reaches us, reaches us for a reason. It is a lesson, a reminder, a wake up call. I get these lessons often and I am aware of them, take them in and then, more often than I would like to admit, I go about things in the same way. I know it's a process and my commitment is that I don't realize it, I act on it. Have I said everything i want to say? Do the people I love know how much I love them? Am I living my purpose? Am I making a difference in the world? What these two events reminded me is that life is precious and that it goes on.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
It's snowing again today. It seems that pretty much everyone on this coast has had it with the snow. It's been consistently cold for a while and we have gotten a good amount of snow this winter. I have to admit that I am more a warm weather guy. I am happiest wearing shorts, a t-shirt and my flip flops. I actually love the snow though. It may be because it still makes me think of a day off of school. I remember watching the news, just waiting for my school to be announced as being closed. Everyone loves a snow day, but nobody loves wet socks. There is also a purity in snow. It's beautiful when all the trees are covered with snow, when everywhere you look, it's white. Kids love snow because it's a time to go and play in it, go sleigh riding, have snowball fights, make money shoveling sidewalks and get out of school. They are making the best out of a situation without effort or even realizing they are doing so. As adults we may not do those things, although why not? We can however find our own way to make the best out of the situation and see the beauty in it or we can bitch and moan and be miserable :)
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
"unrealistic" goals
To my unreasonable, outrageous, anything is possible friends, let me explain. I know that anything is possible and to achieve an extraordinary life it requires thinking beyond what i know logically see as possible. What I'm talking about here is "setting myself up to lose". There is a difference between unrealistic and outrageous.I used to write a three month goal statement that had a list of a 100 accomplishments on it, which would require me to achieve more than one of them each day and had me earning more per month at the end of the three months than I have mad in a year. I know now that sub-consciously I was making a list of goals that I didn't really believe I could achieve and that nobody could possible fault me for not achieving...if I just achieved 1/4 of it that would be a great accomplishment. I was creating a back door. Then, I would not achieve my goals and repeat the process again. it's like running and jumping from the top of one building to another and missing and hitting the wall and sliding down. then, continuing to do the same thing, rather than make adjustments. Eventually, you will tire out and not even make the wall and splat on the concrete. OK, I can be a little dramatic sometimes, but I don't want to splat anymore. Now I write goals with my top priorities, things that are important to me, that I know I can achieve and I know that I have to be way out of my comfort zone and and be consistently persistent to achieve.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Always connected
I spoke to a good friend yesterday after playing phone tag and not actually speaking for a few weeks. She moved recently and situations have changed that causes us not to interact or see each other as much as we once did. when we finally caught each other on the phone, we picked up right where we left off and it was like we never lost the connection, because we never did. This reminded me that if someone is important to me and I am important to them and we form a connection it is always there, even if it doesn't look the same as it has in the past. sometimes we move, we disagree, we fight, we say or do things that hurt the other person, but if the relationship matters, the connection never dies. Of course that does sometimes take work and care on my part and maintaining the connection. I can't get complacent and take my relationships for granted, but at the same time trust that the connection remains.
Monday, February 22, 2010
blog vs journal
This is not my journal. If I posted my journal every day, I don't think I would have many people coming back to read it again. My goal with this blog has always been to somehow support someone, in some way. Even if that is just through relating to what I'm saying and knowing you are not alone. I do share my experiences and my personal thoughts, though. when I write in my journal, it's all about me. I just throw up all over my journal with my pen...ok, that's probably not a visual you needed after breakfast. What I mean is, I have no filters, I'm not thinking about who it may support or if it will have an impact on someone. I journal when I first get up in the morning and whatever is in my head or on my heart goes on the pages without hesitation and until I'm done. then I end with writing what I am grateful for that day. Sometimes I'm just grateful that I don't have turrets syndrome and may blurt out what I just wrote or that I'm not surround by min-readers. this clears me off to go about my day, most of the time. Before I go to bed, I write about my day, what I did that worked and what could use improvement. Then, I write my intention for sleep and for the next day. I think blogging and journaling are two different things. I blog for you....I journal for me. Although, in some ways they both support both of us. If you don't write in a journal, give It a shot. It's better to release on paper than on the guy at the coffee shop.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Disconnect and get connected
One of the daily practices that I have been following in my self development is listening to audios. I listen to audios on communicating, time management, goal setting, business development, and anything that I feel will make me more effective in life. the great thing about listen to audios is that I can do it when I'm exercising, washing dishes ,cleaning, folding clothes, cooking, driving, on the train, waiting, or walking from place to place. I am able to maximize my time by doing two things at once. 24 hours should be enough time in the day, sometimes it just seems not to be. the thing I started to notice was that while I was educating myself and maximizing my time, at times I was also using it as a way to tune out and disconnect. If I wasn't reading or on the phone, every time I was out and by myself, I would pop in the earphones. I look around, on the train, on the street, in waiting rooms and 955 of the people are reading, on the phone or have earphones in and there is nothing wrong with it. The thing is, I don't want to be in that 95%. My intention is to do extraordinary things and make a lasting impact on this planet. So, I have decided to disconnect. there is plenty of opportunities throughout the day when I am not around other people for me to listen, read and make phone calls, if I am managing my time effectively. When I am around other people, I am making it my mission to connect with them and impact them in a positive way.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
starting again
I ran 3 miles yesterday, beginning my training for a 15K next month. I have been doing pretty much every form of exercise, but running in the past 5 months. I have been doing plyo, weights, yoga, kenpo, etc. In September I ran a half marathon and was running a lot to train for that. Anyway, today my legs are like wet noodles and even my core is sore. It's a reminder to me that even if i am in good physical shape, running is a whole different story. This doesn't just apply to exercising, though. I could be excelling and practicing one area of my life and neglecting another. It's important to stay consistent and constantly nurture every area of life that is important to me. I just wish sometimes that was as easy as putting on my sneakers and moving my legs.
Friday, February 19, 2010
"my own boss"
I have never liked working for someone.. having a job. I have always wanted to have my own business and "be my own boss". Now, I do and I am. What's that saying about "the grass is greener"?...Actually, I went to Ireland a few years ago and the grass actually is greener on the other side. Anyway, don't get me wrong, I love having my own business and I am extremely grateful to have the opportunity. I dictate how my day goes, it's up to me and I make my own schedule. I have a team of people that I work with and we support each other, and ultimately if I am not having success I can only look to myself. Then, there's that. What I mean is that all the benefits of being my own boss are at the same time, all the challenges of being my own boss. The truth is, we are our own boss, whether we have an employer or not. I am always the one responsible for my fate. If you are thinking of starting your own business and becoming your own boss, there are two things to consider, the pros and cons. There is nobody there to tell you what to do and there is nobody there to tell you what to do.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Over the past five years or so, I have developed some new perspectives on what true friendship is. I have been blessed to have developed many close, connected friendships over this time. I have learned that the key, as with anything is to take responsibility for the friendship myself. I behave in the friendship how I want it to be. It doesn't work to just talk about it. I focus on maintaining a balance. When a friend is acting in a way that I feel will not support them, I let them know it. I tell them what they need to hear, not necessarily what they want to hear and I would want the same from them. At the same time, it's important to me to have compassion with my friends, to listen to them and let them know that I will always be there for them. I don't take my friendships for granted because I value them greatly. A friendship is for always, not only for when we need something from the other person. a friendship is to be nurtured when it is barren, not just when it is bearing fruit. As a friend, I also must be willing to accept when a friendship is not what it once was and be willing to move on when it is not supporting what I am up to in life.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
One fall night about four years ago, Marie and I met a group of people in the city. We did not know what we were meeting for and soon found out it was going to be a scavenger hunt. The purpose of the scavenger hunt was to step out of our comfort zones and make a difference for somebody. We were to go out in pairs and report back in a couple hours. I remember looking at the list and wondering how getting a rubber chicken and a roll of toilet paper was going to make a difference in someones life. Although, giving someone a roll of toilet paper could make a difference in their life, depending on the situation.
Then, we saw that on the list was to buy and share a meal with someone who needed it. We started walking around and saw a man pushing a cart. He was pretty tattered, had shoulder length hair and a long grayish beard. I walked beside him, said hello and asked him if he was hungry. He said he had eaten already. We asked him if there was anything else we could do for him. He said "no, I have all I need". I said alright and as we walked away, he said "Have a good evening".
We looked back and saw him busy collecting cans as he turned down another street. We were quiet, then we looked at each other and Marie said "What happened to this guy?" He was sweet and polite. He seemingly had nothing and yet when we opened up the door and asked him if he needed anything, he said no. Why was this guy on the streets collecting cans? We wanted to know what happened in Lupe's life that he ended up here. I looked at Marie an then started running down the street to catch him.
We caught up with him and started walking along-side him. I said hello again and asked him his name. "Lupe", he said. I decided to just get to the point. I said, "What happened? Why are you out here?" He looked at me and I noticed he only had one good eye, the other one was closed up.
He looked at me for a second and I wasn't sure what his reaction would be. Then, he began his story.
One night, he was on his way home when he was attacked. Someone had hit him over the head and jammed something in his eye. He was left with a concussion and ended up in the hospital. The stay ended up soaking him dry financially. He then lost his job and eventually his apartment.
Since the attach he had problems thinking and remembering things. He said he has never been "himself" since the attack. We asked him if he had family to help him and he said he didn't have anyone here. He had been on the streets for over 5 years now. He said that he was saving up money from collecting cans to get an address because he goes to fill out job applications and can't complete it because he has no address. We then offered him some money and he wouldn't take it. He said he wanted to earn his way of the streets. Wow!
We both walked away in silence and then stopped about a block away and looked at each other and just started crying. We were crying for all the judgements we make about people without knowing their stories, out of gratitude knowing that we could be a moment away from a similar fate and for Lupe, who didn't need our money or our sympathy. to this day, whenever we do something to help someone out, we call it a "Lupe". We went out that night in search of rubber chickens and found a new source of gratitude and compassion. We left Lupe that night, but he has never left us.
Then, we saw that on the list was to buy and share a meal with someone who needed it. We started walking around and saw a man pushing a cart. He was pretty tattered, had shoulder length hair and a long grayish beard. I walked beside him, said hello and asked him if he was hungry. He said he had eaten already. We asked him if there was anything else we could do for him. He said "no, I have all I need". I said alright and as we walked away, he said "Have a good evening".
We looked back and saw him busy collecting cans as he turned down another street. We were quiet, then we looked at each other and Marie said "What happened to this guy?" He was sweet and polite. He seemingly had nothing and yet when we opened up the door and asked him if he needed anything, he said no. Why was this guy on the streets collecting cans? We wanted to know what happened in Lupe's life that he ended up here. I looked at Marie an then started running down the street to catch him.
We caught up with him and started walking along-side him. I said hello again and asked him his name. "Lupe", he said. I decided to just get to the point. I said, "What happened? Why are you out here?" He looked at me and I noticed he only had one good eye, the other one was closed up.
He looked at me for a second and I wasn't sure what his reaction would be. Then, he began his story.
One night, he was on his way home when he was attacked. Someone had hit him over the head and jammed something in his eye. He was left with a concussion and ended up in the hospital. The stay ended up soaking him dry financially. He then lost his job and eventually his apartment.
Since the attach he had problems thinking and remembering things. He said he has never been "himself" since the attack. We asked him if he had family to help him and he said he didn't have anyone here. He had been on the streets for over 5 years now. He said that he was saving up money from collecting cans to get an address because he goes to fill out job applications and can't complete it because he has no address. We then offered him some money and he wouldn't take it. He said he wanted to earn his way of the streets. Wow!
We both walked away in silence and then stopped about a block away and looked at each other and just started crying. We were crying for all the judgements we make about people without knowing their stories, out of gratitude knowing that we could be a moment away from a similar fate and for Lupe, who didn't need our money or our sympathy. to this day, whenever we do something to help someone out, we call it a "Lupe". We went out that night in search of rubber chickens and found a new source of gratitude and compassion. We left Lupe that night, but he has never left us.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
back on track
I allowed myself to get thrown a bit off the past few days. Today is my day to get back in my groove and make things happen. I'm not exactly there yet. It's funny how I can can build up so much momentum and then get off track so easily. well, now it's time to get back on the track. I have to say that these days, my off track is a big improvement to my on track of the past. I guess that's what it's all about. We just keep improving and moving forward and not focus on the "setbacks". If I don't get knocked back every once in a while, to me it means that I am not moving forward.
Monday, February 15, 2010
A blog about blogging
So, the streak continues. It's after 11pm and we just got back from R.I. I'm pretty tired and the bed is calling me. And, here I am blogging , as I have every day since January 1ST. Writing this blog has supported me in holding to my other commitments. And, knowing that people actually read my blog has been a big reason why I have kept it up. Now, it is just a part of my day, like brushing my teeth. Only, if I don't bush my teeth, nobody will notice....wait, scratch that :) Anyway, I guess this is sort of a thank you blog. Thank you to you who are reading this. To you who cares enough about me or what I write to take time out of your day, any day to read my blog. My goal has always been to possibly spark something in someone. It seems I have been sparking something in myself. I'm not exactly sure what the heck the word blog even means, but I will continue doing it.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Worth waiting for

In November of 2005 my life was forever changed when I went to a seminar on investing in stocks in NYC. No, I didn't make a boat load of money in the stock market. Actually, I never even looked at a stock since. At the beginning of the second day of the seminar, the speaker asked us to greet the person on our left and the person on our right and tell them where we were going to vacation with all the money we were going to make investing in stocks. Well, as was typical back then, I had positioned myself in the second to back row with a curtain to my right and four empty chairs to my left....I was in the clear. Then, this girl who was sitting in the back, leaned over and said "Hi, I'm Marie I'm going to Africa...where are you going?" I managed to say " I'm Stephen, I'm going to Greece" Then, a strange thing happened, just like that, for the rest of the day I wasn't thinking about what stocks I would invest in when I got home anymore. We talked a little at the break and then when we were leaving I stalled and pretended like I was getting my stuff together until she was leaving. Then, I got up the nerve to ask her for her number to "talk about stocks". We walked in the rain until she got to her train stop and then when she went down to the subway, I scramble for her number to make sure I didn't lose it. I remember thinking to myself "what's happening to me?". I was 35 years old and I had never felt this before, not even close. This was it, she was it...I was in love. There was one problem, I would later find out...she really did exchange numbers to "talk about stocks".
We emailed a few times in the next few weeks, then I told her about a workshop I was doing and she did it too. She said she trusted me. I was going for "I'm madly in love with you", but that was a start. Over the next few months we became really good friends.....well, she became really good friends. I became hopelessly in love. I went on a couple dates during this time. When I was on the date, I remember thinking "I wish this girl would stop talking, she's interrupting me thinking about Marie". So, I waited...I would like to say patiently, but not so much. We would go out on "friend dates" and I would throw in at some point "are you sure you don't want to give it a try?"
Then, on March 6Th, 2006, 18 years later (OK, it was only 4 months...18 years in "in love" years) happened! I can't even tell you what happened. We didn't say or do anything...we just both knew we weren't going to be just friends anymore. So, 35 years of barely a prospect and 4 months of one-sided love and a lifetime with the woman of my dreams. I would say that is worth waiting for.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Time out
Tomorrow morning Marie and I are going away to Newport, R.I. for two days. We are handling what we need to tonight, dropping off Abhaya, our Boston Terrier at my sister's in the morning and off we go. I was wavering as to whether we should go or not because "there is still so much to do". You know what, as long as we are growing and have goals there will always be so much to do....and, that's a good thing. I'm grateful that there is so much to do. One on the things I have to remember to do sometimes, is live. I do enjoy growing, learning, building relationships, building my business and I also need to remember to enjoy where I am and what I do love, now. I see this trip as putting myself in a time out in a sense. I will still blog and continue my growth and daily practices. And, I am removing myself from the daily routine and going away and spending a couple of days with my wife and with myself. If you are feeling like you could use some time away from your every day, as much as you may enjoy it, as I do....then make it happen. Put yourself in a time out, you deserve it and will be glad you did.
Friday, February 12, 2010
It's interesting that just yesterday, I posted this quote...."Health is like money, most of us never have a true idea of its value until we lose it." and was feeling so grateful that I don't even get stomach viruses or colds for over four years now. Then, this morning I wake up and feel like my head is full of cement and my stomach feels like I just ate a swarm of flies. I went to get up, and then I laid back down. I have allowed our OPC 3, which I attribute my heightened immune system to, to run out about ten days ago. Everything I did today was a challenge, including thinking. Just this minor, brief sickness has me even more grateful that I take care of my health and that I do not have any major illnesses or sickness. I can't even imagine what it must be to be sick....really sick all the time. I will not let my OPC 3 run out again and I will not be shy about letting people know the value of taking care of ourselves.
I am also feeling grateful that I have a wife to support me when I need it. I only have the strength to write this blog right now because she made me some food and has been taking care of me. I also had a conference call today which a friend handled and a product presentation tonight that another friend handled. I have good health and amazing people around me, I am forever grateful.
I am also feeling grateful that I have a wife to support me when I need it. I only have the strength to write this blog right now because she made me some food and has been taking care of me. I also had a conference call today which a friend handled and a product presentation tonight that another friend handled. I have good health and amazing people around me, I am forever grateful.
Thursday, February 11, 2010

On Tuesday night, we started a new Transitions class. Another 12 week journey with a group of amazing people committed to taking on their health and doing whatever it takes to get and be healthy...for life! It's so exciting knowing what is possible for them over the next three months. I have seen what is possible with this program when someone gets committed to themselves. We have seen people lose 40 plus pounds, drop 100 points in their cholesterol, reduce diabetes medication and just completely turn around their image of themselves.
we have gone a couple months without coaching a group for the first time in a couple years and I realized on Tuesday how much i missed it. I am so grateful to have the opportunity to support people in literally turning their lives around! So many people out there struggle needlessly and beat themselves up because they just simply don't have a plan that sets them up for success. I am motivated even more to reach as many people as possible. And, to be the example and live a healthy lifestyle and continue to improve every day so I can be more effective as a coach.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
check in with the moment
Since January 1 of this year I have been implementing daily practices into each day. The idea is to do something every day that will have me grow in every area of my life. It is a 365 day commitment and beyond. So far, I have held up to my commitment. My intention was to get up at 6 or earlier every morning, so that I will still have the whole day ahead of me after my practices in the morning. Of course, what I didn't consider is that life happens and some nights I'm up later handling things and sleep is important too. Even on the days that I have gotten up later, I have still managed to do everything, every day since January 1st.
So, every day for 40 days now, I have....
meditated for 15 minutes twice daily
exercised (a few days just stretching)
read A course in Miracles and completed the daily exercises
read 10 pages of a self development book(OK, a few days I only read 5 every day, though)
read and wrote out my goals 2 times
listened to at least 1 hour of educational audios
journaled 2 times
wrote a blog
the time in between is dedicated to building my business
At this point, it is a habit...I am going to do it no matter what. So, great...and, one thing I am becoming aware of is not to get lost in it and miss the moments, the things and people around me. It is important, but nothing is more important than the moment. I am adding new daily practices that involve other people....
initiating conversation and connecting with 2 new people every day
spending focused time with Marie everyday (focused...not on the run or biz related)
calling 5 people every day (just to connect)
My number one objective for my daily practices is to improve myself so I am more effective with people and at peace with myself. I will not let that get in the way of actually connecting with people in the moment.
So, every day for 40 days now, I have....
meditated for 15 minutes twice daily
exercised (a few days just stretching)
read A course in Miracles and completed the daily exercises
read 10 pages of a self development book(OK, a few days I only read 5 every day, though)
read and wrote out my goals 2 times
listened to at least 1 hour of educational audios
journaled 2 times
wrote a blog
the time in between is dedicated to building my business
At this point, it is a habit...I am going to do it no matter what. So, great...and, one thing I am becoming aware of is not to get lost in it and miss the moments, the things and people around me. It is important, but nothing is more important than the moment. I am adding new daily practices that involve other people....
initiating conversation and connecting with 2 new people every day
spending focused time with Marie everyday (focused...not on the run or biz related)
calling 5 people every day (just to connect)
My number one objective for my daily practices is to improve myself so I am more effective with people and at peace with myself. I will not let that get in the way of actually connecting with people in the moment.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
A Course in Miracles
One of my daily practices is that every morning I read "A Course in Miracles". It's about a page or two about the idea for the day, which is different every day. then thee are these practices to do throughout the day. Today, I'm supposed to say throughout the day, "I am a blessed son of god."...who knew? this is a 365 day workbook, which is my commitment to the rest of my practices as well. I have heard that it takes 30 days to form a habit, but I think it might take a little longer for it to stick on me. the thing is, I don't know if it's "working" yet....If I'm calmer, more connected, clearer of mind. I also read 10 pages a I smarter?.....I do intense exercise for about an hour a my body in better shape?...I take specific actions towards my business every my business growing?...I write my goals, blog, meditate, listen to self development audio, journal, say affirmations, study my vision I becoming a better person?...I don't I creating miracles? could I be...and not know it? When I think about it, like now for instance...I want to stop, why bother, right. I mean, I know a lot of people who seem great to me, who as far as I know don't do much of anything to improve themselves. so, why bother?....I bother, and am going to keep bothering because maybe I am getting stronger, smarter, connected, spiritual, clearer of mind and in better shape to serve humanity....maybe I am creating miracles and just don't know it yet.
Monday, February 8, 2010
The cause
I have been planning to run in the NYC marathon and have been figuring out my options to get in. I entered a lottery already and was looking into running for a charity. then, the thought occurred to me to run for the National Diabetes Foundation. I still need to get the detail, but this is my plan. My mom passed away 8 years ago from complications due to diabetes. And, part of our business is teaching people how to lose weight, be healthy and avoid such diseases. So, tonight I come home and I see an email from my niece, Erin about a run that she is rounding up my family to do for colon cancer. My Uncle John, my mom's brother passed away this year from colon cancer. Of course I will be doing that run as well. It's amazing to me sometimes how events and thought and people are all connected, if we are only open to it. Erin's taking action and making this happen has motivated me to step it up and turn my idea into a reality.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Decisions Decisions

"Most battles are won before they are fought" Sun Tzu The Art of War
Saturday, February 6, 2010
What do you see?

There was a time when I did not have a great self image, to say the least. Even though I had many people around me, mostly family that would always tell me what I was capable of, the great qualities I possessed and what they saw in me, it didn't seem to matter. Others around me saw a lion and when I looked in the mirror, I saw a kitten, who would be eaten alive if he dared to step out into the jungle of life. I stayed away from challenges and possible failures, simply because of what I saw, or didn't see. People who are as thin as a rail starve themselves because they think they are fat. People who get strait A's call themselves stupid. And, a 5' 3" man made it to the NBA and a man who's name is often used as a verb meaning "genius", was once thought to be mentally retarded. Positive reinforcement from others can be a huge support , for sure. Although, ultimately it's what we see in ourselves that matters. If what you see is not moving you forward and allowing your dreams to unfold, then choose to see something else. We are all lions, truly. If you don't see it...look again...what do you see?
Friday, February 5, 2010
Noooo, really?
It would be safe to say that I was raised on grandfather was sarcastic, my mother was sarcastic, my uncle, my brothers, sisters, dogs, see? I would have to say, these days my nephew, Justin is the's like it's been perfected through the generations. It's in me, I have heard it and practiced it my whole life... and, honestly...I love it. Sarcasm makes me laugh like no other form of humor. It makes me happy, it makes me laugh. On the flip side, I have become more aware lately of the damage that sarcasm can potentially cause, both to the giver and the receiver. I mean, I'm sure I was aware before....I was just too busy laughing to do anything about it. I have heard it said that "sarcasm and vulnerability cannot coexist". It can be used as a way to avoid an issue or a feeling that comes up or to lash out and be hurtful and then be able to say..."I was just joking"....I have been guilty of both. I feel like many things, sarcasm is OK, if used responsibly and it can be dangerous when used carelessly...especially by those of us that are seasoned veterans. So, how do we know when we are using it "responsibly"?.....if the person it's directed at isn't's not funny. Sarcasm should be used to make people laugh, not to make them cry....unless, of course, it's REALLY funny :)
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Fantastic 4

I started an accountability group on February 1st with three people who are in the same business field as I am and have similar goals that we are working towards....we call it the fantastic four.....I know :) We have specific goals for each week that we have committed to and if we do not complete it each week, we are no longer in the group and it become the fantastic three...ouch! Some people may view that as harsh, after all we are friends. What I have learned is that's precisely what friends do. Friends hold each other accountable to their commitments and goals. I am excited about what we will create focusing on each others success. That's actually what I love about my business. I succeed when others succeed. I support people in being healthy, successful and living their dream and in turn it happens in my own life. I feel that life is really about supporting each other and to be able to have a way for that to be a business as well is truly a blessing.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
It's not about me
I began this year with a new commitment to take my life to another level. I began doing daily practices and have continued it and will continue at least until the end of the year, when I will adjust. When I went to Miami I got off track, still doing everything just not getting up as early. I was starting to wonder if it really mattered wether I contnued or not, if I wrote my blog or not. Then, a good friend reminded me that whatt I do and say does make a difference and that people are watching. I was putting th efocus on me, am I making a difference?, am I growing? it's incredible how the perspective changes when I realize that it's not about me at all.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
opportunities abound!
I got back on Sunday from spending three days in Miami with over 20,000 people who are willing to do what it takes to take control of their lives and live out their dreams! It was an amazing experience and encouraging to see so many people excited about life, committed to personal growth and putting their future in their own hands. I learned about how to manage my time more effectively and how to teach others about the many opportunities they may not know are available to them. I also learned about new health products that will support myself and those I care about to achieve optimal health. We found out new ways to get paid to shop online and how to show others to do the same. I am geared up to take my life to the next level! I am so grateful that I have been made aware of the many opportunities that are available to all of us to live a life never before imagined and that I was open to it. I have an incredible life now and am so excited to be able to share it with those I love!
Monday, February 1, 2010
It's how you say it
My friend Bill and I went out to dinner on Ocean Dr. in Miami the other night. Ocean Dr. is one of those strips where there is someone from the restaurant trying to enroll everyone walking by to come in for two for one drinks or a dinner special. We had a coupon for one restaurant, so we ate there. There was a young girl out front who kept saying "hey guy's you want to come in and have dinner or drinks?". We watched for about 30 minutes and must have heard her say that same line at least 50 times and not one person showed interest or looked at the menu. We were starting to feel bad for her and the lack of response she was getting. We noticed that it was her energy. When we first got there, she was arguing with one of the waiters for about 10 minutes and kept talking to other people about it, in between delivering her line, "hey guy's you want to come in for dinner or drinks?" Then, a man walked by with a baby and the girl started laughing and interacting with the baby. The next group of people that came by she said "hey guy's you want to come in for dinner or drinks?" and for the first time in 30 minutes, they walked in to the restaurant. We watched as 10 more people at least stopped to look at the menu in the next 30 minutes. She had stopped talking about the waiter she was fighting with. This just reinforced the lesson for me that it's not what you say, it's how you say it. When our energy shifts, our results shift.
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