Tuesday, January 5, 2010


It's day 5 of 2010....a new year and would basket of new commitments! to me, the new year is an opportunity to take my life to another level...as every day is. I am just using January 1ST as a marker. we can really make that choice any day. Or better yet, every day! In the past, I would write my goal statement, hang it up and look at it every once in a while. What I have begun doing this year is to hang one copy up and keep another in a notebook that I always have with me. I read it and write it out in the morning and at night. I got the idea of writing it out from a seminar I went to once. The idea is that we retain things better when we write it down. I am already finding that having what I say I am up to in my face everyday is firing me up to stay on course and be in action to have it happen.
Whatever the goal is, whether it's to lose 20 pounds, get married, start your own business, own a home, or travel around the world, you can absolutely have it. All it takes is getting clear, putting it in writing, devising a plan and consistently taking those little daily steps to carry the plan out.

"A goal without an action plan is a daydream" - Nathaniel Brandon

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