Saturday, January 16, 2010

Breathing free

For about 15 years, I had major allergies and sinus issues. I had seasonal allergies, only it was every season. I used to always have nasal sprays and over the counter allergy medicines on hand, I felt I needed it just so I could breath a little better. When I met my wife, I was coughing and sneezing all over her, no wonder it took me four months to date least that's what I told myself :) I even ended up going for allergy shots, which is a year long process and still had no relief. About 4 years ago, I heard about something called OPC 3, which is a combination of powerful antioxidant with a delivery system superior to pills, I was told. So, I tried it and about 6 weeks later I was system free and have been ever since. Not only that....I have not gotten sick in 4 years, not a cold, stomach virus, nothing. I used to get colds, etc. all the time. I have since told tons of people about it that have had similar results and "won't live without it"
Which brings me to now. So, unfortunately as great as this stuff is, it doesn't make you smarter. I let it ran out about 2 weeks ago for the first time ever. And, today I wake up congested and sneezing. So, guess what's on rush delivery to my apartment? It's amazing how important the things we take for granted breathing freely and being healthy. When we have to worry about our health, it holds us back from functioning effectively. The lesson for me four years ago is that I don't have to suffer, there is usually an answer, if I am open to it. The lesson for me today is to not take my health or anything for granted.

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