Saturday, January 2, 2010

Day 2....stepping up the workout

Today, I began my re-vamped exercise routine. I am starting my version of P90X. I have completed the program before and it is a great routine. Now I am stepping it up and changing it up for increased benefit. It is important to continue to switch up your exercise routines, if you want to continue to get stronger, faster and see results. A lot of my clients are looking to loose weight or tone up. My objective is actually to gain weight, in the form of lean muscle mass and tone up. the thing is that the Transitions system that we teach to our clients is basically the same as what I am following. I am eating what I coach people looking to loose weight eat, I am just consuming more of it and specifically more protein. It's all about where you are getting your calories from, not necessarily how many calories you are consuming. As far as exercising goes, if I want to gain weight, I increase the amount of weight I lift and decrease my cardio. Of course there is more to it...that is the basics. This to me is the most important part of my commitment. If we are in good physical health, our brains work better, our emotions stabilize, we sleep better, our stress is reduced and we just function better overall. Today was kickboxing, a bit challenging Cardio-wise....I was grateful I had my Torch to support me through it. The year is off to a great start!
Whatever it is that is important to you, just keep at it and never give up!

"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. " - Thomas Edison

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