Sunday, January 31, 2010

Why network?

Last week I went to a networking meeting for the first time in about 8 months, as part of my new commitment this year. After being at this meeting, I wondered why I had stayed away for so long. Even if you don't have a business you want to promote, having some type of group meeting to go to on a regular basis has so many benefits. This group in particular is a business networking group. After mingling, everyone passes out their business cards and gets to talk for a couple minutes about their business. Meetings like this help to keep me sharp, meet great people, in addition to the possibilities to generate new business. It's also a form of accountability because it is noticed when you are not around. Regardless of where and how, it is extremely beneficial to get out there and continue to widen our circles.

Saturday, January 30, 2010


I have heard people talk about how Facebook and other social media sites, as well as email and texting has caused people to be disconnected. They say that because of so many quick and easy ways to communicate people do not talk on the phone or meet in person as much anymore. I have a different point of view, although I don't completely disagree with that one. I think that if we use these outlets as another means to connect in ways we may not have otherwise and not as a substitute, it can actually have the opposite outcome. I have connected with so many people through social media, people I never knew before and people I had not spoken to in years, which has lead to an exchange of phone numbers so we can have an actual conversation. Technology has brought people together who would not have come together before , yet, when it comes to really connecting with someone, nothing can replace an old fashioned phone call or face to face meeting.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Don't be a flea

There is a story I heard once that I think really illustrates the limitations that we sometimes put on ourselves based on past experience. Fleas jump, that's what they do. If you put a bunch of fleas in a jar, they will almost immediately jump out of the jar. If you close the lid on the jar, the fleas will jump up and hit the lid of the jar... at first. Then, after a while they figure out that if they jump as high as they can, it hurts. So, after a while, all of the fleas figure out that if they don't jump as high as they can and they just jump about an inch short of "their best" jump, it wont hurt. Then, after a while of jumping just short of the top of the lid, the lid is taken off. Guess how high the fleas continue to jump? They continue to jump just short of the top, even though now they can easily jump right out. Their memory tells them that they can't. What we are capable of is based on what lies in front of us now, not our memories of "failures" in the past.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Hold off on the "big wet logs"

When we are running our Transitions classes, one of the biggest questions that comes up is "when will I be able to 'cheat' and how often?" The thing is, we never tell people what they can and can't have. We tell them what will support them in reaching their goals and what will not. It's always a choice. Is it worth it to you to slow down your progress towards your goal? And, if it is, then make the choice powerfully and enjoy it and don't feel guilty about it later. To illustrate how the metabolism works, I sometimes use this analogy....picture your metabolism as a camp fire. If the flame has not started raging yet and is still very weak and you throw a big wet log on it, the flame will go out or lesson and you will have to relight it. If you throw kindling on it, it will slowly grow, then, when it is raging, it will be able to handle the big wet log. I think that description may work better in person. Anyway, the point is, if you want your metabolism to speed up more quickly, don't throw cake on it until you get it fired up with healthy eating habits, exercise and natural supplements to support boosting your metabolism. Then, if you want to eat a big wet log, I mean cake, occasionally, your metabolism will burn it right up.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Master Mind

I first read about the "Master Mind" idea about 10 years ago in a book called "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. He describes a Master Mind as "Coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose." That all sounded great to me. I remember briefly getting excited about it at the time as he spoke of all the benefits of it and the logic behind it. It made so much sense to me. I had one challenge (at the time, I called it a problem). I felt I wasn't able to coordinate anything and I felt I didn't know anyone who I would want to be in a "Master Mind" with or anyone who would want to be in one with me and I had no clue what my definite purpose was. Well, today I would say sure you can, find them, and figure it out. Well, it's amazing how things can change. I'm going to be starting a Master Mind group when I get back from Miami and today I could start a group of 20 + people who I would be honored to be in a Master Mind with. Some of those people were in my life back then, only now my perspective has shifted. And today, my purpose is so defined, it sometimes keeps me up at night. If you are looking to take things to the next level, a Master Mind may be a good next step.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Fired up for Miami

I'm heading off to sunny Miami tomorrow morning for a three day training. I was originally inspired to begin this blog at the start of the year to document my commitment to continued growth and getting uncomfortable, with the intention of supporting others to do the same, in the process. Well, now I off for three days to spend some time with a good friend and 20,000 motivated people, committed to excelling their lives and the lives of those they care about. It's another opportunity for me to reflect on how grateful I am to be surrounded by such amazing people and to already have a life that I once only dreamed of and an opportunity to excel that life to heights I could never have imagined, an opportunity that we all have. Look around you, keep your eyes open....there are endless possibilities everywhere, if we are only willing to see.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Bumble bee's "can't" fly

Years ago, the US military wanted to build an aircraft that could move like the bumble bee. They wanted it to be able to hover in mid-air and then be able to dart quickly in any direction. So, they put a team of top engineers and scientists on the job. They put millions of dollars and months of research to find out how the bumble bee could move that way, so they could design an aircraft to do the same. At the conclusion of the study a stack of papers on the research findings was sent to the US military. The final conclusion of the study was that it is impossible for the bumble bee to be able to fly. Among other reasons, the study said that the bumble bees wings are too small and body too heavy for it to be possible to fly, much less move the way it does. Good thing nobody told the bumble bee. How many examples exist in our world that would have once been thought impossible and are now common? How many things have we all accomplished that we would have once thought impossible? The only limits we have are the one's we place on ourselves.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Erect your statue

I had a conversation yesterday that I have to admit, I momentarily allowed to 'get to me". This was somebody who I love and care about very much. I was calling him to support him with filling out some forms and the conversation quickly turned. He was questioning what I am doing. Asking me if I really think what I am doing will make a difference, if it is really realistic that I will achieve my goals. He was talking about how people who have achieved similar goals, have "certain advantages" him and I. He said, "look at all you do to improve, how hard you work, has it really paid off?'....yes, it has and will continue to. I was also reminded of what I said in a recent blog "you don't have to stop talking to certain friends and family, maybe just stop listening to them". There is a quote "Pay no attention to what the critics say. A statue has never been erected in honor of a critic." What I get from this is not necessarily that I want to literally have a statue of myself erected, then again why not, rather that my commitment is to live my life that way.....being uncomfortable, taking risks. If you are not being questioned and criticized, your probably not taking risks. People usually don't intend to be hurtful when they criticize, it's usually doubt and insecurities that lie within themselves. Why be angry at somebody for having doubts and insecurities. And why take it personally when it has nothing to do with me. So, go get criticized and spend your time following your dreams rather than criticizing other. Who knows, maybe one day you will be 10 feet tall and unbreakable.....or maybe, you already are.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Hitting a wall

One of my commitments this year is to run in a marathon(working on NYC) and a triathlon. So far I have not been doing much running and instead have been doing a total body training, weight training, jump training, etc. Well, this week I'm getting back to the running as well. As I'm gearing up to get back to training for a run, I'm remembering when I trained for the 1/2 marathon about 5 months ago. When I first started training for it, the most I had run before that was 4 miles and I hadn't run in months. In the beginning three miles was a challenge, then as I continued to run, I continued to increase the distance I ran, working up to 13 miles the week before the half marathon.
As you run longer distances, something happens that long distance runners call "hitting a wall". This is what it sounds like! And the longer you run, the higher you set your goal, the more likely you are to hit it. I hit it at about mile 10. It basically felt like I was running uphill, on a treadmill going the opposite way and somebody filled my legs up with cement. A voice in my head said...time to never ran this far before....maybe your not ready. The reason I didn't stop was because the other voice that said, "but your felt like you were going to die when you ran 3 miles 3 months ago and now your running 10" was stronger. The higher we set any goal, the more likely we are to "hit a wall". All of those smaller goals that we set and surpass are all ammunition to get through that wall when it does shows up.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Hearing without ears

This morning when I was walking my dog, I met a man,Tony who was walking his dog. This man was deaf (from birth), from Italy and had a thick accent and was 89 years old and yet I understood every word he spoke without any strain at all. Why? Because this man had passion and joy when he spoke. And, despite being deaf, he heard every word that I said without strain. Why? Because he cared to, because he was listening, which we do not need working ears to do. Tony was just another reminder to me that my limits really only exist in my mind. We do not need to have ever heard words to be able to hear them or to be able to communicate them clearly. We need only to have the desire to communicate clearly and to "hear" what the other person is saying.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Drop the orange

I had a coach who once told me a story to encourage me to surrender and let go. He explained a method used to trap monkeys and raccoons. What the trapper would do is set up an enclosed cage and place an orange inside the cage. the animal could fit their open paw through the bars of the cage to grab the orange, but could not pull their paw back out while holding the orange. They were not really trapped, all they had to do was "let go" and "surrender" the orange and they would be free. They had the illusion of being captured when freedom was always in their grasp...or out of their grasp. then of course, the trapper would come by and grab them and freedom would no longer be in their hands. I was told this story once and then anytime my coach would see that I was stuck or holding on to an issue from the past(which could be 2 seconds ago), he would just say "drop the orange!"
Freedom is always up to me. I always have a choice to let go. when I am holding on, I am stuck and not able to move forward. And, If I am unwilling to let go long enough, my options may soon diminish. The orange will never be as sweet as freedom. I'm committed to drop a few oranges today.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


For about 4 months now, we live in a 2 family home in Astoria. Ms. Fous is the woman who owns the house and lives downstairs. She's 94 years old and she lives by herself. she walks with a cane, but as she points out, only because she had an accident and hurt her leg, not because she is "old". Ms. Fous grew up in Manhattan and describes cobble stone streets and no cars to be seen. she tells stories of men sleeping on the fire escapes in the summer because it was too hot inside with no air conditioning. She talks about how when people took the time to stop and talk to each other and weren't always in a Rush to get to the next place. And, she talks about a time when many women , including herself, after working so hard to have the right to vote, voted however their husbands did.....and, when it was widely acceptable to judge somebody for their race, religion, gender or sexual preference. She still maintains the values of her time and has moved with this one. Whenever Marie and I have to go down to see her for for any reason, we end up staying there for more than an hour. Last night when I came home, Marie was not here, she was downstairs with Ms. Fous. She had been with her for about an hour and a half. When she came up, she said she had been "Foused"...which means that she had been drawn in by her contagious charm and outlook on life. She is a reminder of how far we have come as a society and at the same time that there is still much work to be done. Ms. Fous teaches me to be patient and in the moment and to value every day that I have.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Fly with the eagles

I read once that successful people are the ones who know they always have more to learn and unsuccessful people think they have already learned it all. And, of course success does not just mean making money. the thing is that we can learn from so many different places like books, audios, seminars, classes, school, etc. And, learning is not always a good thing. We are learning every day, whether we want to be or not. I am careful these days about what I am learning. we learn form TV, reading, people, and everything we hear and see all day. We may be learning the most form the people that we spend our time with every day. I am always checking in to see if I am learning what I want to be learning from the people around me. Also, not to judge who I think I can learn from. We all have something to learn form everyone. I sometimes learn more from children than from adults. I keep hearing that we are the average of the 5 people we spend the most time with.....income level, relationships, etc. Look around you. Are the people you spend your time with pushing you forward or pulling you back? if they are being negative and non-forwarding, this doesn't necessarily mean that we stop talking to them, maybe we just stop listening to them.
"You can't expect to fly with the eagles if you keep scratching with the turkeys."

Monday, January 18, 2010


Today is Martin Luther King JR. day. So, it's fitting that today I would write about him. After all, this blog began as a way for me to add structure to my daily disciplines and my pursuit of continued growth and fullness to my life. And, of course with the intention that it may encourage and inspire those who read it in some way. Taking risks, being uncomfortable, living every day to it's fullest, being a leader, living an extraordinary life!....that's my commitment and my motivation. Who was a better example of that than Martin Luther King Jr.? This is a man who literally gave his life for what he believed was right.....not for his ego or money or fame or power. And, he knew that his life was at risk for speaking out the way he did, he talked about it. He believed so deeply in a world where "my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." That he was willing to die in order to make it happen. Of course today, many people are still judged for many different reasons other than the content of their character. And, how many hearts and minds were shifted because he refused to keep quite? This day inspires me to take it up yet another level. Am I willing to make the ultimate sacrifice to stand for what I believe in? If I'm not, who's life am I living?

"A man who won't die for something is not fit to live."
Martin Luther King Jr.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Change your brain

One of the audios that I am listening to is called "Change your brain, change your life" by Dr. Daniel Amen. Dr. Amen talks about all the different parts of the brain and their different functions and responsibilities. He explains how our personality traits and habits are linked to an over or under activity in various parts of the brain. This can be caused by a head injury, other traumatic experiences, genetics, etc. Now, if I had listened to this when I was 20, I'm sure I would have said "see that's why....I told you it's not my fault" and had a great excuse to be a victim to my brain, after all the Dr. said so. The fact is that in many causes it's not "our fault" that we behave the way we do. It is however, our responsibility to change it. Dr. Amen also talks about methods to "heal" that part of the brain that is not working properly. Nutrition, exercise, natural nutritional supplementation and various written and verbal exercises are mentioned. The more we understand how the human body works, including the mind, the better equipped we are to make the changes necessary to have the life we want.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Breathing free

For about 15 years, I had major allergies and sinus issues. I had seasonal allergies, only it was every season. I used to always have nasal sprays and over the counter allergy medicines on hand, I felt I needed it just so I could breath a little better. When I met my wife, I was coughing and sneezing all over her, no wonder it took me four months to date least that's what I told myself :) I even ended up going for allergy shots, which is a year long process and still had no relief. About 4 years ago, I heard about something called OPC 3, which is a combination of powerful antioxidant with a delivery system superior to pills, I was told. So, I tried it and about 6 weeks later I was system free and have been ever since. Not only that....I have not gotten sick in 4 years, not a cold, stomach virus, nothing. I used to get colds, etc. all the time. I have since told tons of people about it that have had similar results and "won't live without it"
Which brings me to now. So, unfortunately as great as this stuff is, it doesn't make you smarter. I let it ran out about 2 weeks ago for the first time ever. And, today I wake up congested and sneezing. So, guess what's on rush delivery to my apartment? It's amazing how important the things we take for granted breathing freely and being healthy. When we have to worry about our health, it holds us back from functioning effectively. The lesson for me four years ago is that I don't have to suffer, there is usually an answer, if I am open to it. The lesson for me today is to not take my health or anything for granted.

Friday, January 15, 2010


I had decided that every two weeks, I would re-evaluate my goals and my progress. As I was reading and writing my goals yesterday morning, I would underline the things that I feel I am not giving 100% to or am not on pace to achieve. then I graded myself on each. It turns out that most of what I need improvement on involves other people....hum. Exercise....check!!....meditate....check!.....spend one on one devoted time with Marie, join networking groups and develop new relationships.....I'm doing OK and it's not to the level of my vision. "OK" is not what I'm up to! Yes, we must "put the oxygen mask on ourselves first" as the flight attendant tells us on the plane and our lives truly flourish when we have connected relationships with people, which I am blessed to have. So, my commitment is to make time for the people in my life and to continue to expand my circle. It's important to take time to check in once in a while to make sure you are heading in the direction you planned.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

What's your inspiration?

There are times in all of our lives that we may not feel like doing the things that we know will support us in having what we want. As we continue to grow and as our dreams and goals continue to grow this may be even more of a challenge. Something that I have found to support myself in staying on course and always moving forward is to have inspirations. People, things, events that are constant reminders to be grateful, appreciative and to persevere. I have many inspirations in my life, friends, family, leaders. there are two in particular that remind me of what I have and that I really have no excuses and nothing to complain about. One in Nick Vujicic, a 27 year old South African man who is an author and motivational speaker. Nick was born with no arms and no legs and he speaks around the world about how he went form "a life with no limbs to a life with no limits". The other is the team of Dick and Rick Hoyt. They are a father and son who run in 100's of triathlons and marathons and other races, including the Boston marathon and the Iron Man more than a dozen times each. What makes them special is that the son is a quadriplegic and the father tows, pulls and pushes his son through the entire race. I have pictures of Nick, dick and Rick up on my wall by my computer, next to my vision board and goals, so that I see them every day. Seeing those pictures and knowing the story behind them is o constant "reality check".
Always remember that you have everything you need to have everything you want. If you sometimes forget that....get a reminder. What's your inspiration?

Nick Vujicic

Dick and Rick Hoyt

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A "late" start

Today I woke up later than I planned to. Among my commitments this year and beyond was to wake up early every morning and begin my day powerfully. So far this year, I have stuck to it. So, today when I didn't get quit enough sleep last night and slept 2 hours later than usual, I felt thrown off. I got up slowly, I dragged, I found myself thinking about all I had to do and now I was off to a late start. then, I took a moment to breath and "get a grip". I got present and looked around and realized that I slept another two hours because my body needed the rest. I was stressed in that moment because I was regretting not getting up sooner (the past) and worrying if I would accomplish what I wanted to (the future. Once I breathed and looked around (got present) I was at ease. I can relate this to thought that I have had in the past. I found my passion and purpose late, I got married "late", I started my business late, I do not have children "yet" and I'm 39. I now have appreciation that I know that my purpose is to empower people to live their dreams, I am married to an amazing woman, I have a rapidly growing business and one day soon (no spreading rumors) a little human will call me "daddy". Don't let regrets of what you have not done, prevent you from living your dreams now. There are no late starts, there is only now!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Another man's treasure

The other day, my wife and I went to drop off some clothes to donate. It was at about 10pm and it was freezing out. I went to drop a bag in the bin when a man in his mid- 20's asked me if he could please look through the bag before I threw it in because he and his friend were living on the streets and they were cold. As we drove away, I saw him hold up a sweatshirt that I never even wore because it just "wasn't me". He had this huge smile on his face like he just opened a Christmas present. Of course, living in the city I encounter homeless people all the time. This was just another reminder to me not to take anything for granted, to be grateful for what I have. It was also a reminder that when we give, however small it does make a difference.

Monday, January 11, 2010


So, today is my birthday. Ah, birthdays....I am having an amazing birthday! This morning my beautiful, talented, sweet, smart, amazing wife, Marie (hope you're reading this one, babe) made me breakfast in bed....nice! And, she got me the "flip" video camera!.....and underwear :) So, you will be seeing some video's in future posts. Then, all day I have been showered with "happy birthday" messages. It's an amazing feeling to have so many great people in my life. I see this day as an opportunity to be grateful that I am alive. And, to celebrate that by living this day as I strive to live any other and be grateful for all I have. Make everyday your birthday and celebrate the gift of life that you are!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Making your health goals stick

The new year has, no doubt brought new health and fitness goals for many of us. It is a great opportunity to "start fresh" and renew your commitment to your health. The challenge can be that once the motivation of a new year wears off....sometimes on January 2ND, what are you left with? You are left with your reason why you are committed to being healthy, your vision of your body and your health. Just 10 days into the new year, I have already spoken to people who "put off" or "re-adjusted" or all together stopped their quest for health that they were so fired up about a couple weeks ago. Why is that? Lets start with why it's not not? It's not because they are lazy, or undisciplined or lack the will power. They and you have the will power to do many things that they don't necessarily want to do. and, they do them anyway for one simple reason......because they are clear as to why they would do them and what will happen if they do and if they don't.
To set yourself up for success with your health goals it is important to have a solid plan, like you would with any goals. First, figure out why this is important to you and spend some time with it. your reason should be personal and specific. For example, I want to lose 20 pounds may be enough until you are at a party and they have your favorite cake for dessert. On the other had, I want to lose 20 pounds, drop 5% body fat and be able to run 3 miles so that I have the energy to play with my kids may be enough to make that cake look a lot less appealing. Then, have a solid plan of action for the long term and seek support if you don't have one. do whatever works for you to stay motivated and remind yourself of why you are doing this. Write your goals out and hang them up, make a health vision board, or get a coach or accountability partner. We also encourage our clients to come up with challenges for themselves like singing up for a bike race, a run, or some other physical challenge. I do this to motivate myself also. I am running a race in February here in NY and working towards a marathon. What would be a challenge for you that would add some extra drive toward meeting your health goals?

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Be who you are

In my quest for knowledge and growth; every day I read, research and listen to audios on self development. I want to learn from people who have been successful in the areas that are important to me like, relationships, business development, time management, health, etc. I listen to audios when I am doing the dishes, getting dressed, or preparing a meal. I read when I'm on the train or waiting for an appointment, etc. Every tiem I hear or read about something that I don't understand, I rearch it. I also surround myself with people who hold me accountable and are committed to growing also. I have not always been so committed to this. the first of this year marked a new level of committment to this for me.
In the course of getting so much information from so many different sources, I have realized that it is important to realize that the most important source lies within. Just because someone of great sucess and power says something is true, it may not be true for you. Inspirational and self development material only brings to the surface what already lives in you. Ultimetly, it is key to live how you want to live and express your own beliefs. We all have something to learn from everyone.

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." - Dr. Seuss

Friday, January 8, 2010


Last night, my wife Marie and I went to visit the family of a boy she used to treat. Marie is an Pediatric Occupational Therapist. Samuel is the boy she used to treat. When Samuel was a baby, he had to have a surgery on his heart. During the surgery, something went wrong and oxygen flow to his brain was cut off, causing permanent brain damage. Now 7, Samuel does not speak, except for an occasional "mamaaa" or walk. This is not meant to depress you, because the people in that house (Samuel, his mom, his dad and two big sisters) are far from depressed.
Marie has been going to see Samuel every year around Christmas to visit the family. this was my third time seeing them. Last might we went back to bring them some supplements that could help Samuel. this time, I was more impressed than ever before. this family is full of love. His mother cares for him around the clock, and gives him 100% attention and love. And yet, there is no resentment with his sisters. Anyone can see how much they love this boy and each other.
I will be a father one day soon and I absolutely want my children to be strong, healthy, independent and able to run and play. No doubt, Samuel's family wanted the same. They certainly didn't expect what happened. And, no doubt, they would not trade him for the smartest, strongest, healthiest, most talented boy on the planet(with a billion dollars in his pocket).
I realized that they don't just love Samuel because he is family, they love him because he is Samuel. The lesson this family taught me is to show love to my family, friends, and everyone simply because they are who they are, no matter what that may be.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day 7.....starting to sink in

It has been a week now of morning and evening "ax sharpening" and new commitment to making it all happen. Ax sharpening is from a quote by Abraham Lincoln..."If you give me 6 hours to chop down a tree, I will spend the first 4 sharpening the ax." I am beginning to settle into it. I get up every am at 5 or 6, depending on the day. I have not viewed myself as a "morning person", It does feel great to get up before the sun and start the day powerfully. Today, was Yoga day, which I did with my wife Marie at 5:30 am. We were dragging a bit and, we got through it and felt great after...well, I did anyway :) After a week, I can already feel it beginning to become habitual. It takes time to develop a habit...especially empowering, beneficial ones. when I don't feel like getting up that early or doing one of my daily disciplines, I just remind myself that I am growing. That growth is allowing me to be more effective in this world, with the people closest to me and to move towards my goals.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Life time

"Time is all you have and you may find one day that you have less than you think" - The Last Lecture (written by a man with only months to live)
Those were the last words I read last night before going to sleep. And, when I woke up this morning I had a fire for life that I never had before!....right? NO....I did fly out of bed to turn off my alarm and I was excited about the day ahead, what I would create, what challenges I would meet, what I would learn. the thing is, we don't typically read a line in a book or a whole book or have any one experience and completely shift our perspective....although it is possible. This is why I have chosen to set up little, daily practices, which include reading and listening to forwarding information, writing and stretching myself. I am grateful for what I have. I live my life with urgency and I appreciate the people in my life. Do I live like I have only a few months to live?, I do not...and I strive to live that way. There is a saying that "youth is wasted on the young". I think that youth is not usually taken advantage of by the young. And, a youthful spirit can be taken advantage of by anyone, of any age. You could also say that the opportunity to live like you have months to live is "wasted" on the dying. The opportunity is always there for all of us. My Uncle John recently died from cancer. He was an amazing man that touched so many lives and he lived his life well. Being told he was dying, did not provide him with the opportunity to live that way because he was very sick and his sickness progressed quickly. I miss my Uncle very much and besides the many lessons I learned from him in life, the lesson I learned from him in death is to strive to live like today as my last day before it actually is.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


It's day 5 of 2010....a new year and would basket of new commitments! to me, the new year is an opportunity to take my life to another every day is. I am just using January 1ST as a marker. we can really make that choice any day. Or better yet, every day! In the past, I would write my goal statement, hang it up and look at it every once in a while. What I have begun doing this year is to hang one copy up and keep another in a notebook that I always have with me. I read it and write it out in the morning and at night. I got the idea of writing it out from a seminar I went to once. The idea is that we retain things better when we write it down. I am already finding that having what I say I am up to in my face everyday is firing me up to stay on course and be in action to have it happen.
Whatever the goal is, whether it's to lose 20 pounds, get married, start your own business, own a home, or travel around the world, you can absolutely have it. All it takes is getting clear, putting it in writing, devising a plan and consistently taking those little daily steps to carry the plan out.

"A goal without an action plan is a daydream" - Nathaniel Brandon

Monday, January 4, 2010

getting off the coffee

So, it has been a week now that I am without coffee. Why off the coffee? Coffee is actually not the worst thing in the world you can put into your body. You could even say it has some benefits. It can boost your and.....well, keep you regular. For some people though, me included, caffeine in general and coffee specifically can case anxiousness and difficulty sleeping, among other things. So, in my quest to have this be "the year" and to be as clear and sharp as possible, I decided to lose the coffee. I starting drinking Mochatonix in the morning and have been drinking Isotonix Acai in the afternoon. amazingly, I have no withdrawal headache, as I have in the past and I'm feeling great.
If you enjoy your coffee and have no desire to part with it....drink up! I was just done with feeling like I "had to" have my morning coffee.
Remember that all the energy and power you will ever need lies within you.....not in a cup.
Be well,

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Day 3....Up early on a Sunday

So, today I decided that I would get up at 6am, even though it is Sunday....a typical day to sleep in. Why, because I am so pumped up about taking on another day! I do feel that everyone has a natural clock inside of them.....different people function better at different parts of the day. I don't think I am what you would call a morning person. I just no know that for me, there is no better way to jump start my day than to get up earlier than I "need to" and perform my daily practices. I have a ton of them because I am committed to continuing to grow in ALL areas of my life. Getting up early today gave me the opportunity to have breakfast with my amazing wife, exercise, meditate, read and a lot of other important things that I may not have had time to do.
It doesn't have to mean getting up early (and early is different for everyone....of course) It's finding what is important to you and committing to doing something every day that will make that one thing grow to what you desire it to be. Find what it is that will have you fired up enough to fly out of bed in the morning...because we all were born to live that way!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Day 2....stepping up the workout

Today, I began my re-vamped exercise routine. I am starting my version of P90X. I have completed the program before and it is a great routine. Now I am stepping it up and changing it up for increased benefit. It is important to continue to switch up your exercise routines, if you want to continue to get stronger, faster and see results. A lot of my clients are looking to loose weight or tone up. My objective is actually to gain weight, in the form of lean muscle mass and tone up. the thing is that the Transitions system that we teach to our clients is basically the same as what I am following. I am eating what I coach people looking to loose weight eat, I am just consuming more of it and specifically more protein. It's all about where you are getting your calories from, not necessarily how many calories you are consuming. As far as exercising goes, if I want to gain weight, I increase the amount of weight I lift and decrease my cardio. Of course there is more to it...that is the basics. This to me is the most important part of my commitment. If we are in good physical health, our brains work better, our emotions stabilize, we sleep better, our stress is reduced and we just function better overall. Today was kickboxing, a bit challenging Cardio-wise....I was grateful I had my Torch to support me through it. The year is off to a great start!
Whatever it is that is important to you, just keep at it and never give up!

"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. " - Thomas Edison

Friday, January 1, 2010

A year and a lifetime of living the slight edge

This is my first time blogging. It is New Years day, 2010. My name is Stephen Fulgham. My purpose in life is to support people in reaching their health, financial and life goals and dreams. I am a certified personal trainer and lifestyle coach. I feel that everyone gets to live their potential without limitation.
I recently read a book called "The Slight Edge". The slight edge is doing the little things consistently to ultimately reach your dreams and goals. I am making a commitment to certain daily practices in all of the significant areas of life....Health, career, finances, relationship, spiritual and self development. I will be blogging here every day, for the next 365 days and beyond.
My motivation for starting this blog is partly to share my experiences as I take on all areas of my life in a new and powerful way. In doing so, my goal is to not only keep my own butt in gear, it is primarily to give inspiration and support to you as you move towards your own goals. I will also be adding pictures, videos, recipes, tips and lessons I am learning throughout my journey.
As for day one....I went out and bought "A course in Miracles"(Spiritual Development) which will be one of my daily disciplines. I read lesson 1, which was short, simple and feeling. Tonight I will read 10 pages of the current book I am reading, which is "The last Lecture"(self Development). Don't worry, I will not be rattling off everything I do every day. Today was a great start to a new year.
I will end my first blog with a short story from the Slight Edge that illustrates what is possible when we continue to persevere without the evidence of progress.

One night, two frogs left the safety of their swamp and ventured into a nearby farm to explore. they soon found themselves in a dairy. Hopping and jumping around (frogs will be frogs after all)., they jumped into a milk pail half full of cream.
At first, they were both thrilled. they had never tasted anything so delicious! They drank and drank. Soon (after some contented frog belches followed by much giggling) they were both full-bellied and getting just a bit sleepy. "Time to get out of here and head back to the swamp for some shut-eye," burped the first frog.
But there was a problem. they'd had no trouble hopping in ....but how to hop out? The inside of the pail was too slippery to climb, and there was nothing on which they could place their feet for traction to get up a good hopping distance....or any hopping distance eat all.
The awful reality dawned on them: they were trapped.
Frantic, they began to thrash about, their little frog feet scabbling for a foothold on the elusive, slippery curve of the pail's edge.
Finally, the second frog cried out, "It's no use! We're doomed, my brother!. Let us save what dignity we have left and die here like frogs, with our eyes facing our homeland!"
The first frog cried out to stop him. "No! We should never give up! When we were tadpoles, which of us would ever have dreamed that some day we would emerge from the water and hop about on land? Swim on, and pry fro a miracle!"
The second frog eyed his brother sadly and said, "There are no miracles in the life of a frog, brother. Farewell." And so saying, he turned his face in the direction of the swamp, gave a sigh, and slowly sank out of sight.
But the first frog refused to give up.
He continued to swim. He swam and he swam in ridiculous, pointless, useless, futile circles, hoping against hope for a miracle. Fired by adrenaline, he paddled mightily...yet his brother's dying words clutched at his thoughts, even more insidious than growing fatigue that tugged at his weakening muscles. Was my brother right?, he thought desperately. Am I a fool? Are there no miracles in the life of a frog?
Finally, he could swim no more... and with a great cry of anguish, he stopped paddling and let go, ready at last to face his fate like a frog.
But something odd then happened..or rather, didn't happen. He didn't sink. He just sat exactly where he was. Ever so tentatively, he stretched out a foot...and felt it touch something solid.
He heaved a big sigh, both sad and grateful, said a silent farewell to his drowned brother, then scrambled up on top of the big lump of butter that he had just finished churning... and hopped out of the pail to the swamp, alone and alive.

Happy new year and remember to keep paddling!