Friday, April 30, 2010
The longer the distance
About three years ago, I ran in a four mile race. I hadn't run in a while and I was not prepared for it at all. In a was not fun. Ok, that was more than a word. After about a half of a mile, I wanted to stop. It didn't get any better from there and the whole thing was not a great experience. I didn't stop and I pushed through it and finished. About 6 months ago, I ran in a half marathon. I trained for about three months and slept 9 hours the night before. It was more than three times the distance and it was a breeze.... It was actually fun. So, it's not the longer the distace the harder it is. It's, the longer the distance the harder you train. This taught me to shoot for big goals and to be willing to put in the work in the begiining to make it a breeze in the end.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Boris, it's so lovely to meet you
So, I'm sitting in a park in between meetings and this man with a long gray beard and a thick Russian accent walking by, stops in front of me, looks me in the eye, put out his hand and says "it's so lovely to meet you, what is your name young man?". I told him my name and he sat down next to me on the bench, leaned into me and proceeded to ask me a series of personal questions and I proceeded to answer them without any hesitation. After about 10 minutes, he stood up, looked me in the eye, shook my hand and said "Stephen, it's so lovely to meet you" and he walked away. He wanted nothing from me and yet I probably would have done just about anything for him. It's really just so simple isn't it? Thank you Boris. It was so lovely to meet you.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Happy because we sing
I once heard a quote that said "We do not sing because we are happy, we are happy because we sing". This kinda bashes the whole "I'm not in the mood" or "I don't feel like it" defence. I love this because it really puts me in my place when I get on a mood or am feeling down because it says so simply that it's my choice. I have actually tried this. Try singing when you are sad and see how long you stay sad. Of course, in my case if I start singing people are me may start feeling sad. I know now that I can't wait for something to make me happy, I make me happy.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Laughter is medicine
I watch this video that I saw on facebook. It was a 30 second insurance company commercial with two kids talking about healthy eating. At the time that I watched the video, I was not in the best of moods. I watched this video and I laughed so hard and felt such a feeling of happiness that my mood shifted immediately. I proceeded to overdose on the video and watched it about 10 times. My whole attitude about the day turned around and whenever something dis come up I thought of these kids and couldn't help but laugh. There really is nothing like a good dose of laughter to turn around any day.
Monday, April 26, 2010
I think it is so important to have something that you do every day to get centered and to work towards a particular goal. I used to call these routines. A friend once suggested, stressing the importance of the language we use to call them daily practices. A routine suggests something that we have to do, the same old thing every day. A practice is something that we do to improve and it moves us forward. Some people might think this is silly, but once I changed what I called it, I really started viewing it in a different way and started having fun with it. Of course I learned that I also have to practice my practicing and that practice doesn't always make does make improvement.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
When people ask me where I work, I could say Starbucks and be telling the truth. When I'm going to meet with someone, most of the time I find a Starbucks in the area to meet at. If I'm running around the city and I need a bathroom.... Starbucks. If I need to find a place to make some phone calls or get some work done....Starbucks. I'm am writing this blog right now in.... You guessed it....Starbucks. I hear people say that Starbucks is a money waster because it's over priced and a gimmick that people fall into and spend money they don't need to be spending. Well, I forgot to mention the beat actually don't even have to buy anything when you come here:) One man's money waster is another man's money maker.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Fresh air
Today is a beautiful day outside, so I am doing some work outside at The park. I just feel better overall when I'm outside in the fresh air. I think better, feel happier and am much more productive than when I'm inside. Just feeling the breeze, hearing birds singing and just being out in the air gets me motivated. I think that being outdoors connects with my spirit because it's where we, as humans were built to be. Especially here on the East Coast, nice weather is not to be taken for granted, so while it's here, I will be out in it as much as possible.
Friday, April 23, 2010
A few people I know have done this 10 day retreat where mostly what they do all day is, as they call it "sitting". Sitting....all day! And, of course, I in my constant quest for self development or mild case of insanity depending on how you view it, am going to make arrangements for myself to....sit. The purpose of this is to begin training yourself to relinquish control and limit the "mind chatter"......I could definitely use to do more of that. When I start to think about it, it is less scary to jump out of a plane again. To be alone with my thoughts for that long could be dangerous. I am doing this because I want to be in tune with my surroundings, connected on an other level and develop an increased appreciation for what I have in the present moment. And, after all...all I have to do is sit.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Up before the sun
I was on the road at 4:20 am this morning....yikes! It's amazing to me how many people are up and out that early or many for some, up that late. Besides being just a bit tired, it does feel good to have a jump start on the day. Although, I probably don't need quite that big of a jump start. I'm just grateful that it's not an every day thing for me like it is for some people. There is definetly something powerful about getting up before the sun.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
The american dream
Today I met a man who owns small sandwich shop. He was a really nice guy and makes a great sandwich too. He moved here from Greece about 15 years ago. He owns (or mortgages, anyway) a home, has three young kids and owns a business....the American dream! Only, he was talking about how he doesn't own a business, but he owns a job. Then, he said "actually, it owns me". He said that he works 80 hours a week, barely sees his family, can't afford any extras and when he gets home, all he wants to do is go to bed....the American dream! This is a hard working man who thought he was doing the right thing and now feels trapped. This truly made me grateful that I'm in a business that doesn't own me and that I have the means to build a true American dream for myself and my family and teach others to do the same.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Before it's "almost too late"
Tonight after our transitions class, we had a information seminar, like we do every Tuesday night. One of the attendees brought her 16 year old daughter with her. It was so inspiring to see her willingness to take action and be committed to turning her health around. She is going to be a part of our next class with her mom. I'm so excited to have the opportunity to support this girl in getting to a healthy weight, building up her confidence and living a life without limitations. Too many people wait until they are faced with a life or death choice to make a change. This young girl has reminded me that the tiem to make a change is before it's "almost too late".
Monday, April 19, 2010
back to "normal"
Today is my first day back to a "normal" day. I have not been in my regular routine since last week. Then again, thankfully for me I don't really have a regular routine. It was great to see new places and experience new things, and I am glad to be back home. I think it's important when I am away from it for a while to take what I learned form begin away with me and then jump right in and keep the momentum going. That's what today is about for me. It's always a new moment and normal is definitely not the goal.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
So, today I jumped out of an airplane! I have been "wanting" to do this for a long time and I finally did. It took my wife getting me a gift certificate for my birthday. This was for sure a big leap into my fears. I was nervous the whole ride up and was having second thought about it. I watched the video of myself and I could see it on my face. The thing is, I wasn't worried at all that anything would happen to me. I completely trusted the facility, pilot and my tandem partner. Yes, I was jumping out of a plane, but I knew I was safe. Yet, I was scared and nervous and had thoughts of backing out...even though I knew I wouldn't. I think that I was nervous and scared simply because it was unknown. I have just conditioned myself to be scared of the unknown....fortunately, I have also conditioned myself to jump into it any way! and, when I do, I get to fly...right through the fear and I always land safely on the ground and look back up and wonder what I was so scared about.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
A week to build on
This has been a week of learning, new experiences and getting uncomfortable. Last weekend I went to a three day training and met some amazing people and learned new ways to live a powerful life and effectively give to others. I went to Virginia and spent some time with my brother who I have not seen in a while and connected on a whole new level. I went to DC to see friends in a play and got to spend some much needed time with me wife. Now, I'm going to jump out of an airplane. My commitment is to live every week and every day as big as this one.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Today we saw two friends of ours who were playing the lead roles in the play "Little shop of horrors" in Washington, DC. They are married couple who were our neighbors when we lived in Manhattan. I knew they were actors, but I was blown away by how amazing they were. I do not take talent like that lightly, especially being that people typically run when I sing. I do believe that we all have some talent or gift to share with the world. The key is to figure out what it is and find a way to express it.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Freedom is not free
I was in Virginia and Washington DC the past couple days and got a vivid reminder of our history. In Fredricksburg, Virginia, I walked around a field and over man made trenches from a battle in the Civil War. I visited a shop that was standing since the war and was shown holes in the ceiling where cannon balls had been shot through. Then in DC, I got a private tour of Ford's theatre where Lincoln was assassinated. I saw the WWW II memorial, which my father fought on and the Vietnam wall memorial, a war my uncle fought in. There was a inscription on a wall by the war memorial that said "Freedom is not free". I am grateful today to all those who have paid so much so that I don't have to.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Sometimes I'm not sure of the difference between feedback and criticism. Sometimes someone will give me "feedback" and I am just sure that it's "there stuff" and they are really just venting. And, I may just be "right" and they may have no good intentions at all. The thing I have come to realize is....What difference does it make? I miss a lot of opportunities to learn and grow if I care what the persons intention is or who is right or wrong. Opportunities to grow can come from any place, I just need to be wiling to hear it.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
My big brother
I'm in Virginia for a few days and today I made plans to see my brother Mark, who lives close to where I am. Mark was the one brother that I was intimidated by growing up. I wasn't intimidated because he was violent or mean, but because he told it like it was. I am the youngest of 16 and I was a bit spoiled. Was mother and sisters mostly would do a lot for me and answer for me when I could have myself. Mark would always be the one to go againsts the grain and say things like "let him do it himself". At the time I remember thinking " butt out buddy". I would get angry with him because I felt it meant he didn't love me or care about me. Now of course I know it's just the opposte. He was fighting for me. I guess the point isn't when we get the lesson, but that we do.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Meeting again for the first time
I spent the past few days with some people who I knew, some who I even considered good friends. It's amazing to me how I can think I know someone and then when in a different situation or environment together I get to know them all over again. I know that from the experience we shared this weekend, our relationships will be propelled to a whole new level. I also know that when I share myelfhonestly with others, they feel free to share themselves with me. From this point on when I seek to meet new people, I will not limit that to the people I haven't met yet.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
What do I know?
I spent the past two days absorbing a lot of amazing information. A lot of it, I could say that I have heard before.... But, do I know it? How do I know if I already know something, concepts, ideas.... Does anyone know it? Even the trainer? I mean, they are concepts right? If I say I know it... I miss it. A lot of it I have heard before... Great! Am I living it in my life? And the concepts I heard that are new to me, what good is it if I don't practice it? My commitment to myself is to continue to learn, be open and be in action... That's the only way I know I'm moving forward.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Yesterday was the first day of a training I'm doing this weekend. My faverite part of day one was the opportunity to interact with new people. One of the things I love about New York is the diversity. These were people with Such various opinions, personalities and cultures. I see it as such an opportunity to grow and learn how to be with people who I wouldn't normally have a chance to interact with. It's a reminder that I can create that opportunity at any moment.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Creating Mastery
I am doing a training this weekend and looking to do a three month course at the end of the month that both have the word master in them. I have a different view on what a master is these days or what me being a master means. I used to think it would be cool to be a master of the guitar, acting, singing or baseball. today, to me...I want to master my relationships with people, my health, my own mind, my moods. what I am aiming to achieve is designing the life I want without allowing barriers that I create to get in the way.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
The four hour work week
What a concept, huh? That's the title of the book I just started reading. The idea is that there are ways that we can enjoy our! Not work ourselves to death and hope it pays off so we can enjoy it later... That's what I'm talking about! I'm loving this book already because this is exactly what I've been talking about and building and it's a big part of my business. In the book, he talks about new concepts and options to make this type of lifestyle a reality. What excites me is not only creating it for myself, but more importantly teaching others how to create it. I truly believe that most people desire a life without limits and freedom to do what they want, when they want and with whom they want. They just don't dare dream it because they don't think it's possible to achieve. My commitment is to be the example and show people how possible it really is.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Too perfect
It's interesting to me how we, as humans....myself included, of course...tend to often have a "grass is greener outlook". In this case, it's the weather. It's beautiful outside! I actually looked it up and it's warmer and sunnier here in NY than it is in Hawaii. Yet, I have heard people and found myself saying "It's hot"..."I'm sweating". Living here in NY, there are not many "perfect" days in the course of a wise. It's either too dry or too rainy or too hot or too cold or too windy or too something. The truth is that it's always too all has it's purpose...and, of course I'm not just talking about the weather. I'm reminded to see the benefit of all weather....rain, shine, hot, cold, sunny, cloudy, rich, poor, sick healthy, life, death. It's all perfect...even if I don't know it yet.
Monday, April 5, 2010
being "tired"
What does it really mean to be tired? I have heard it said that being tired is a state of mind. I agree with that, for the most part :)....and, right now, my state of mind is tired. If you are going on an hour of sleep or just ran a marathon, I would say there is a legitimate reason to be tired. I also know that sometimes a list of things I have to do ringing in my head and not knowing when or how I'm going to do them, can be more exhausting than running a marathon on being on an hour of sleep...although I have not attempted that yet. I do know though, that I have more control over whether or not the first one makes me tired, than I do the second. See, just writing about this and putting it in a different perspective...I'm no longer tired. Now, I'm going to shift it back again, because I need to get some sleep.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Family time
Today was Easter....which means family time. I always love spending holiday's with my family because it always means good laughs and great food. It brings back memories for me of when I was a kid and of members of our family who are not around anymore. I'm grateful today for my family and friends and all the love and support they show me. to me holidays are an opportunity to share and build memories....which I will do not only today, but every day.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
What is loyalty? To be loyal to someone or something? People have used a comparison to dogs...dogs are loyal. Hmmmm, do I want to be like a dog?....Do I want people to be like a dog towards me? So, the reason I am writing this is to get clear because I have always considered myself to be loyal and I want to be sure I know what I have always considered myself to be. In case you haven't noticed, we humans tend to expect people to be to us what we consider ourselves to be to others.....or is that just me? Kind of the reverse of the golden rule, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." This is more like, "have others do unto you, as you do unto them." It doesn't exactly work that way. I think the key here is to know what it means to me.....standing with and for someone or something, especially when things get tough. When I say stand for, I mean stand for their highest possibility. Others may not see it the same way. I can't expect others to act a certain way towards me.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Time waster vs saver
So, I just got a new iphone. I am actually blogging from it right now. I don't have a laptop yet, so this is an extra special moment for me. I can blog while I'm walking down the street....pretty cool! I know a lot of you have been doing this for a while and I had it once before. Take this as a reminder....don't take it for granted. I plan on using this "new" technology wisely and use it as a time saver and not a time waster. I know us big kids can get addicted to these things and get distracted from our original course of action. On the flip side, I used to have to wait to get home to access the Internet and was carrying around a appoinent book for scheduling. I guess it's welcome to the new age and I'm going to make the most of it.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Be a fool
So, today is April fools day. I have to say that I'm not a huge fan. I don't have great memories of April fools day. I am the youngest of 16 and most of them are sarcastic and love tricking people, so you can probably figure out the rest. Harmless stuff, I do have to admit....lucky for me. I remember one day on April 1st, I was about 11. My sister woke me up all excited and said that there was a parade going down our street and mentioned everyone I liked at the time and said they were in the parade. I jumped out of my bed and ran to the window and guess parade. Yes, if you could believe it, Farah Fawcett and Hulk Hogan were not leading a parade down Ohio St. in Hicksville, Long Island. Now, everyone else thought this was just, not so much. "But, it's April fools day"....really? I, of course got over it and forgave my sister....about a year ago. Anyway, I never really got the purpose of the day. I heard someone last night suggest that instead of playing tricks on innocent 11 year old boys and breaking their hearts and scaring them for years to come...oops, lost for a minute there.....he suggests being a fool yourself and be goofy, do something silly, something that what would normally embarrass you. I see it as stepping out of your comfort zone rather than forcing someone else to step out of theirs. So, today I am setting out to be a fool rather than to make someone else feel or look like one.
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